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您现在的位置:河北省沧州市学洋明胶有限公司 > 公司介绍 |
供应明胶---出口级别:河北省沧州市学洋明胶有限公司 外销科长:宋长明13603180881 TEL:0318-4627278 FAX:0086-318-4692288 E-mail:gelatin@jjmj.com Http://www.flmingjiao.cn gelatin318@sohu.com 我厂(网络实名“明胶网”)是专业生产药用明胶、食用明胶、骨胶、水解蛋白、热溶胶粉的福利(不影响出口退税13%,可降低成本)企业,是中国明胶协会成员单位及推荐的“三胶”出口实体基地。经严格筛选的鲜骨皮通过反复洗浸、脱脂中和、蒸煮液化、灭菌过滤、浓缩烘干等工序用全套不锈钢设备流水线制成,广泛用于制作照相胶纸、软硬胶囊壳、药片糖衣、止血海绵、肉皮冻精、肉食罐头、果冻、糖果、果奶、奶粉、香肠、火腿、粉丝、雪糕、蛋糕、酒类澄清、方便面、砂布砂纸、火柴、墨、橡胶填料、印刷\工艺品粘贴、木器家俱、铭牌标牌、皮革上光、染织上浆、镀液冶金、纸钞涂质、化妆发胶、生物制品、保健食品、渔禽饲料等。食品级同时还有清真分厂HALAL。高胶原蛋白、低脂肪,含18种氨基酸,具有优良的胶体保护性、表面活性、粘稠性、成膜性、悬乳性、缓冲性、浸润性、保水性、稳定性和水易溶性。分子式C102H151O39N31,常规颗粒淡黄或琥珀色、有光泽、固体半透明,大小为2-5毫米即5-8目,我厂新引进一套不锈钢全封闭粉碎设备,可300-1000元/吨定做成20-80目状如奶粉,包装为25、40、50公斤/内衬塑编袋或纸塑复合袋、纸板桶,可印英文唛头,有定点厂家生产的出口包装和包装证,质量严格执行国标并多次确认符合欧美USP24、BP98、CP95等标准,从选料到成品,从防疫到残留监控,从微量元素含量到微生物指标控制,全过程实施HACCP管理,通过了中国进出口质量认证中心认证,检测手段与国际接轨,产品90%出口,代理提供中华人民共和国农业部签发的动物产品合格证、中国商检CIQ英文健康卫生证(属法检商品,H.S.八位编码为35030010)海关放行的换证凭条,或按需方指定代理SGS、ITS品质证,代理汽运集装箱至津港100元/吨,20尺箱可装19-20吨,品种多,产量大,交货及时,票证准确,报价持续半年不变,打卡即时发货 王金英95599 0213 07534 06610农行员工卡免汇款人手续费。办公区、生产区、生活区严格分开,化验室占办公区的一半、生产区里有洁净车间,流程由河北省食品药品监督管理局设计、省商检局派员监督、省卫生厅验收合格。 Our factory is one of the biggest "Three Gel"producing group well-know in China,and specialized in the production of gelatin,bone glue.We are China Getin Association Member and it recommended Medication-Food Export Base.The factory is also welfare co., and it can get the circulating fund without interest from the national administration organ .And there are many fresh materials nearby our factory.So our factory can provide a lot of products with the lower price and the best quality.Our factory is a high quality Chinese gelatin production manufacturer with good business reputation.The Company is SGS ISO 9001:2000 certified. We have the full stainless steel equipments as a dragon to whole process and adopt the strictest technics,we choose the fresh bone and skins, then repeat wash ,degrease,neutralization,liquefy, sterilize use four seconds 140OC,filtrate,concentrate,sterilize again, dry, inspection.We have the capability to manufacture the powder like products in size of 5-80 mesh. From the materials choosing to the finished products, from microelement content inspection to microbe index control,we carry through HACCP Management .Our products are accordant to the standard of the Europe and America as BP98,CP95,USP24. Our inspection methods are based on the intemational standard. 90% of our products are exported abroad.we have export packages certificate;they are the double layers ;the outside is weaving bag,paper-plastic or paper-board carton and inside is the without bacterial plastic bag in moistureproof.Packing in 25,40 or 50 kgs shipping marks to be designed by the buyer in English or no.We also have a specialized in the Islamic production branch plant and provide Halal Warrant. We can offer the agent service to handle SGS ITS quality certificate for the buyer need.We can provide Chinese CIQ Veteeinary Health Certificate in English and Passport Certicate Warrant. Our products can be used widely in making hard gelatin capsule,soft capsule,pharmaceutical preparation capsule, hemostatic cotton,sugar coating,candy,cake,cold drink,sausage,ice cream,cheese,ham,instant noodles,canning,meet skins jelly,beer clarifier,feedstuff,emery cloth,emery paper,textile,printing&dyeing,match,electrodeposit,chinaware,furniture,leather,scutcheon,ink,etc.Our products consist of various kind and promise a timely delivery a lot,keep the same prices for the half of a year. 商铺网址:http://gelatin.cn.vooec.com |